Mac Magazin/MacEasy 12
Mac Magazin and MacEasy Magazine CD - Issue 12.iso
Wissenschaft & Technik
yorick11-ppc folder
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Text File
530 lines
This file runs mesh plot movies. It should produce the same
results as the grbench C program.
$Id: testg.i,v 1.1 1993/08/27 18:50:06 munro Exp $
/* Copyright (c) 1994. The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved. */
func testg3
/* DOCUMENT testg
runs a Yorick near-equivalent of Steve Langer's grbench graphics
timing benchmark. Tests both plf and pli.
SEE ALSO: lissajous, grtest
/* set parameters */
NMID= 26;
N= 2*NMID-1;
xmax= ymax= 1.0;
alpha= 0.5;
dphi= 2.0*pi/8.3;
npass= 50;
ampy= cos(span(0.0, pi, N));
/* set the maximum color index to use */
/* maxcolr= 192;
200 is the Yorick default -- grbench uses 192...
Could use pldefault, maxcolors=192 to be sure. */
/* create room for the x-coordinates of the mesh */
xmesh= array(double,N,N);
/* the y-coordinates of the mesh are fixed */
ymesh= span(0.0,ymax,N)(-:1:N,);
/* be sure expose event is handled before starting into plots --
otherwise nothing will show */
if(!is_void(is_a_mac)) {
/* use existing window if on a Mac */
} else {
winkill, 0;
window, 0, wait=1, style="nobox.gs", dpi=100;
if (is_void(dont_plot) || !dont_plot) {
write, "\nEach of the six tests will abort if one minute elapses,";
write, "so just be patient if you have a slow terminal.\n";
do_hollow, 0;
use_pli= 1;
do_filled, 0;
use_pli= 0;
do_filled, 0;
do_hollow, 1;
use_pli= 1;
do_filled, 1;
use_pli= 0;
do_filled, 1;
func testg
/* DOCUMENT testg
runs a Yorick near-equivalent of Steve Langer's grbench graphics
timing benchmark.
SEE ALSO: lissajous, grtest
/* set parameters */
NMID= 26;
N= 2*NMID-1;
xmax= ymax= 1.0;
alpha= 0.5;
dphi= 2.0*pi/8.3;
npass= 50;
ampy= cos(span(0.0, pi, N));
/* set the maximum color index to use */
/* maxcolr= 192;
200 is the Yorick default -- grbench uses 192...
Could use pldefault, maxcolors=192 to be sure. */
/* create room for the x-coordinates of the mesh */
xmesh= array(double,N,N);
/* the y-coordinates of the mesh are fixed */
ymesh= span(0.0,ymax,N)(-:1:N,);
/* be sure expose event is handled before starting into plots --
otherwise nothing will show */
if(!is_void(is_a_mac)) {
/* use existing window if on a Mac */
} else {
winkill, 0;
window, 0, wait=1, style="nobox.gs", dpi=100;
if (is_void(dont_plot) || !dont_plot) {
write, "\nEach of the four tests will abort if one minute elapses,";
write, "so just be patient if you have a slow terminal.\n";
do_hollow, 0;
do_filled, 0;
do_hollow, 1;
do_filled, 1;
/* do a hollow mesh */
func do_hollow(animation)
if (animation) animate, 1;
else animate, 0;
write, format="%d frames of hollow %d-by-%d mesh %s\n",\
npass, N, N, (animation? " animated" : " direct");
now= yorick= gist= array(0.0, 3);
timer, now;
now0= now(3);
phi= -dphi;
for(np=1 ; np<=npass ; np++) {
phi= phi+dphi;
xdif= alpha*sin(phi);
xmj= 0.5*xmax*(1.0+xdif*ampy);
for(j=1; j<=N; j++) {
xmesh(1:NMID,j)= span(0.0, xmj(j), NMID);
xmesh(NMID:N,j)= xmj(j)+span(0.0, xmax-xmj(j), NMID);
timer, now, yorick;
plm, ymesh, xmesh;
timer, now, gist;
if (now(3)-now0 > 60.) {
write, "aborting after one minute, "+pr1(np)+" frames";
timer_print, "Yorick interpreter", yorick, "Gist graphics", gist,
"Yorick+Gist total", yorick+gist;
write, format="Frames per second (total/gist)=%.3f/%.3f\n",
if (animation) animate, 0;
/* do a filled mesh */
func do_filled(animation)
if (animation) animate, 1;
else animate, 0;
write, format="%d frames of filled %d-by-%d mesh %s\n",
npass, N, N, (animation? " animated" : " direct");
now= yorick= gist= array(0.0, 3);
timer, now;
now0= now(3);
dxmin= xmax*(1.0-alpha)/(2.0*NMID);
dxmax= xmax*(1.0+alpha)/(2.0*NMID);
phi= -dphi;
for(np=1 ; np<=npass ; np++) {
phi= phi+dphi;
xdif= alpha*sin(phi);
xmj= 0.5*xmax*(1.0+xdif*ampy);
for(j=1; j<=N; j++) {
xmesh(1:NMID,j)= span(0.0, xmj(j), NMID);
xmesh(NMID:N,j)= xmj(j)+span(0.0, xmax-xmj(j), NMID);
timer, now, yorick;
if (is_void(use_pli) || !use_pli)
plf, xmesh(dif,2:N),ymesh,xmesh, cmin=dxmin,cmax=dxmax;
pli, xmesh(dif,2:N), cmin=dxmin,cmax=dxmax;
timer, now, gist;
if (now(3)-now0 > 60.) {
write, "aborting after one minute, "+pr1(np)+" frames";
timer, now, gist;
timer_print, "Yorick interpreter", yorick, "Gist graphics", gist,
"Yorick+Gist total", yorick+gist;
write, format="Frames per second (total/gist)= %.3f/%.3f\n",
if (animation) animate, 0;
#if 0
Results 75 MHz Pentium / Linux 1.1.87 / XF86_Mach64 server
($3000 from Gateway 2000 Jan/95 lets you animate nicely)
50 frames of hollow 51-by-51 mesh direct
Timing Category CPU sec System sec Wall sec
Yorick interpreter 0.800 0.000 0.800
Gist graphics 1.150 0.130 2.760
Yorick+Gist total 1.950 0.130 3.560
Frames per second (total/gist)=14.326/18.478
50 frames of filled 51-by-51 mesh direct
Timing Category CPU sec System sec Wall sec
Yorick interpreter 0.820 0.010 0.830
Gist graphics 2.500 0.350 11.960
Yorick+Gist total 3.320 0.360 12.790
Frames per second (total/gist)= 3.987/4.264
50 frames of hollow 51-by-51 mesh animated
Timing Category CPU sec System sec Wall sec
Yorick interpreter 0.870 0.010 0.920
Gist graphics 1.130 0.140 3.480
Yorick+Gist total 2.000 0.150 4.400
Frames per second (total/gist)=11.591/14.655
50 frames of filled 51-by-51 mesh animated
Timing Category CPU sec System sec Wall sec
Yorick interpreter 0.860 0.000 0.860
Gist graphics 2.480 0.330 7.650
Yorick+Gist total 3.340 0.330 8.510
Frames per second (total/gist)= 5.993/6.667
func lissajous(animation)
/* DOCUMENT lissajous
runs the Yorick equivalent of an old graphics performance test
used to compare PLAN, ALMA, and Basis with LTSS TMDS graphics.
SEE ALSO: testg, grtest
/* Two figures with (x,y)= (cx,cy) + size*(cos(na*t), sin(nb*t+phase))
-- the centers describe semi-circular arcs of radius rc. */
t= span(0, 2*pi, 400);
na1= 1; nb1= 5;
na2= 2; nb2= 7;
rc1= 40.; rc2= 160.;
size= 40.;
phase= theta= 0.;
/* number of frames in animation */
n= 50;
dtheta= pi/(n-1);
dphase= 2*pi/(n-1);
window, 0, wait=1;
if (animation) animate, 1;
else animate, 0;
split= now= array(0.0, 3);
timer, now;
for (i=0 ; i<n ; i++) {
cost= cos(theta);
sint= sin(theta);
x= rc1*cost+size*cos(na1*t); y= rc1*sint+size*sin(nb1*t+phase);
plg, y, x;
x= rc2*cost+size*cos(na2*t); y= rc2*sint+size*sin(nb2*t+phase);
plg, y, x;
theta+= dtheta;
phase+= dphase;
timer, now, split;
timer_print, "Lissajous test", split;
write,"Frames per wall clock second=",n/(split(3)+1.0e-6);
if (animation) {
/* turn off animation and pop up final frame again */
animate, 0;
x= -rc1+size*cos(na1*t); y= size*sin(nb1*t);
plg, y, x;
x= -rc2+size*cos(na2*t); y= size*sin(nb2*t);
plg, y, x;
func grtest(nstart)
/* DOCUMENT grtest
or grtest, nstart
Perform a comprehensive test of Yorick's graphics package.
Pauses after each frame to let you check the result. Each
picture attempts to describe itself (of course, if text
plotting is broken, this doesn't do any good).
With NSTART, start with test number NSTART.
SEE ALSO: testg, lissajous
if (is_void(nstart)) nstart= 0;
write, "Yorick comprehensive graphics test.";
write, "Each frame will be described at the terminal.";
write, "Compare what you see with the description, then";
write, "hit <RETURN> to see the next test, or q <RETURN> to quit.\n";
pldefault, marks=1, width=0, type=1, style="work.gs", dpi=75;
winkill, 0;
if (nstart <= 1) {
write, "Test 1 Commands: window, 0, wait=1, dpi=100; plg, [0,1]";
window, 0, wait=1, dpi=100;
plg, [0,1];
write, "A large (100 dpi) window with line marked A from (1,0) to (2,1).";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
winkill, 0;
window, 0, wait=1;
if (nstart <= 2) {
write, "Test 2 Commands: window, 0, wait=1; plg, [0,1]";
plg, [0,1];
write, "A small (75 dpi) window with line marked A from (1,0) to (2,1).";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
} else {
plg, [0,1];
if (nstart <= 3) {
write, "Test 3 Commands: plg, [1,0]";
plg, [1,0];
write, "Added line marked B from (1,1) to (2,0) to previous plot.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
} else {
plg, [1,0];
if (nstart <= 4) {
write, "Test 4 Commands: logxy, 1, 0";
logxy, 1, 0;
write, "X axis now a log scale.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
if (nstart <= 5) {
write, "Test 5 Commands: logxy, 0, 0";
logxy, 0, 0;
write, "X axis back to linear scale.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
limits, 1.2, 1.8, 0.2, 0.8;
if (nstart <= 6) {
write, "Test 6 Commands: limits, 1.2, 1.8, 0.2, 0.8";
limits, 1.2, 1.8, 0.2, 0.8;
write, "Limits changed to 1.2<x<1.8, 0.2<y<0.8.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
range, 0.4, 0.6;
if (nstart <= 7) {
write, "Test 7 Commands: range, 0.4, 0.6";
write, "Limits changed to 1.2<x<1.8, 0.4<y<0.6.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
if (nstart <= 8) {
write, "Test 8 Commands: limits";
write, "Limits back to extreme values (1,0) to (2,1).";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
x= span(0, 10*pi, 200);
plg, sin(x), x;
if (nstart <= 9) {
write, "Test 9 Commands: fma; plg, sin(x), x";
write, "Five cycles of a sine wave on a new frame.";
write, "Before you continue, try clicking with the mouse buttons:";
write, "Left button zooms in, right button zooms out, middle no zoom";
write, "In each case, the point where you press the mouse button will";
write, "be translated to the point where you release the mouse button.";
write, "To zoom one axis only, click over the tick marks on that axis.";
halt= strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q";
if (halt) return;
pledit, marks=0, width=6, type="dash";
if (nstart <= 10) {
write, "Test 10 Commands: pledit, marks=0, width=6, type=\"dash\"";
write, "Marker A on sine curve disappears, curve becomes bold dashed.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
x= span(0, 2*pi, 200);
for (i=1 ; i<=6 ; i++) {
r= 0.5*i - (5-0.5*i)*cos(x);
plg, r*sin(x), r*cos(x), marks=0, color=-4-i;
if (nstart <= 11) {
write, "Test 11 Commands: plg, r*sin(x), r*cos(x), color=-4-i";
write, "A set of nested cardioids in the primary and secondary colors.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
pltitle, "Nested Cardioids";
if (nstart <= 12) {
write, "Test 12 Commands: pltitle, \"Colored nested cardioids\"; plq";
write, "Adds the title above the upper tick marks.";
write, "Also prints legends for the six curves at the terminal (plq).";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
if (nstart <= 13) {
write, "Test 13 Commands: pledit, color=\"fg\", type=0, marker=i";
for (i=1 ; i<=5 ; i++) pledit,i, color="fg", type=0, marker=char(i);
pledit,i, color="fg", type=0, marker='A';
write, "Changes the colors to foreground, types to no lines.";
write, "Markers are point, plus, asterisk, O, X, A.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
if (nstart <= 14) {
write, "Test 14 Commands: pledit, marks=0, type=i";
for (i=1 ; i<=5 ; i++) pledit,i, marks=0, type=i;
pledit,i, color="fg", type=1, width=4;
write, "Changes line types to solid, dash, dot, dashdo, dashdotdot.";
write, "Outermost cardioid becomes a thick, solid line.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
x= span(-1, 1, 26)(,-:1:26);
y= transpose(x);
z= x+1i*y;
z= 5.*z/(5.+z*z);
xx= z.re;
yy= z.im;
if (nstart <= 15) {
write, "Test 15 Commands: plm, y, x";
write, "Quadrilateral mesh -- round with bites out of its sides.";
plm, yy, xx;
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
plmesh, yy, xx;
if (nstart <= 16) {
write, "Test 16 Commands: plv, v, u, y, x";
plv, x+.5, y-.5;
write, "Velocity vectors. Try zooming and panning with mouse.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
if (nstart <= 17) {
write, "Test 17 Commands: plc, z, y,x; plm, y,x, boundary=1, type=2";
plc, abs(x+.5,y-.5), marks=1;
plm, boundary=1, type=2;
write, "Contours A-H, with mesh boundary dashed.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
if (nstart <= 18) {
write, "Test 18 Commands: plf, zncen(z), y,x; plc, z, y,x";
z= abs(x+.5,y-.5);
plf, zncen(z);
plc, z, marks=0, type=2, color="bg", levs=[0.5, 1.0, 1.5];
write, "Filled mesh (color only) with three dashed contours overlayed.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
if (nstart <= 19) {
write, "Test 19 Commands: palette, \"<various>.gp\"";
write, "After each new palette is installed, hit <RETURN> for the next,";
write, "or q<RETURN> to begin test 20. There are 6 palettes altogether.";
z= abs(x+.5,y-.5);
plf, zncen(z);
plc, z, marks=0, type=2, color="bg", levs=[0.5, 1.0, 1.5];
pal= ["heat.gp", "stern.gp", "rainbow.gp",
"gray.gp", "yarg.gp", "earth.gp"];
for (i=1 ; i<=6 ; i++) {
palette, pal(i);
write, format="Palette name: %s ",pal(i);
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") break;
if (i<6) palette, "earth.gp";
if (nstart <= 20) {
write, "Test 20 Commands: window, style=\"<various>.gs\"";
write, "After each new style is installed, hit <RETURN> for the next,";
write, "or q<RETURN> to begin test 21. There are 5 styles altogether.";
pal= ["vg.gs", "boxed.gs", "vgbox.gs", "nobox.gs", "work.gs"];
for (i=1 ; i<=5 ; i++) {
window, style=pal(i);
plc, abs(x+.5,y-.5), marks=1;
plm, boundary=1, type=2;
write, format="Style name: %s ",pal(i);
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") break;
if (i<6) window, style="work.gs";
if (nstart <= 21) {
write, "Test 21 Commands: pli, image";
x= span(-6,6,200)(,-:1:200);
y= transpose(x);
r= abs(y,x);
theta= atan(y,x);
funky= cos(r)^2*cos(3*theta);
pli, funky;
write, "Cell array image (color only). Three cycles in theta, r.";
if (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q") return;
if (nstart <= 22) {
write, "Test 22 Commands: pldj, x0, y0, x1, y1";
theta= span(0, 2*pi, 18)(zcen);
x= cos(theta)(,-:1:17);
y= sin(theta)(,-:1:17);
pldj, x, y, transpose(x), transpose(y);
pltitle, "Seventeen Pointed Stars"
limits, square= 1;
write, "All 17 pointed stars.";
halt= (strtok(rdline(prompt=""))(1)=="q");
limits, square= 0;
if (halt) return;